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Racism and Social Injustice

A Statement from The Ossining Public Library on Racism and Brutality

I wish to share, on behalf of the Ossining Public Library, grief and outrage in response to ongoing acts of racism and brutality in our country. Racism undermines the aspirations of our society and prevents many in our communities from achieving the freedom and security that others take for granted. The struggle for equity is real and ongoing.
Public libraries have long viewed themselves as the great equalizer, though they, too, have a past in which inequity was perpetuated. These days, librarians, library workers, trustees, and volunteers strive everyday to be better, to be compassionate, and to be part of the solution. Racism is, in part, a product of ignorance and fear. That is where libraries can do some good. It has always been our mission to provide access to wide-ranging literature and resources to enhance and promote education and to combat ignorance. Reading widely and thoughtfully, across cultures and ethnicities, is mind-opening. It builds compassion and understanding. It opens our eyes to the struggles, joys, and dreams of people both in our own communities and on the other side of the world.  
I invite you to consider some of the books that are listed below. I also welcome your ideas for ways that the library can be helpful during this time. We miss you. Be well and stay safe.
Karen LaRocca-Fels
Ossining Public Library Director